Focus Changes Everything


Here in Oklahoma, we have some of the most beautiful, breathtaking, and downright amazing sunsets. There are times when all I can do is stand, my mouth gaping, in awe of God’s beautiful creation, almost as if I am seeing a glimpse of Heaven itself.

But you see, I’m not always in a place to see the sunset. My house doesn’t have a good view, and, honestly, I’m usually in the kitchen or trying to get my kids to go to sleep, depending on the time of year. But, the sunset still happens every day, whether I’m there to see it or not. Being able to experience and enjoy the sunset has more to do with me than it does the actual sunset. I’m the inconsistent one. 

One of my favorite passages in scripture is found in the first chapter of John—verses 43-51 specifically. Go ahead and take a minute to read it. (I made it as easy as possible for you to do that by directly linking to the passage. Just be sure to come right back here once you finish!) 

There is a lot to gain in studying this encounter Jesus has with Nathanael—like how Jesus identifies Nathanael’s true character and reveals he is seen and how in that moment Nathanael’s faith is immediate—but we’re going to take a look at the end of the conversation. Jesus makes a monumental declaration. He reveals, He declares that He is the “stairway between Heaven and earth”, that they would see heaven opened and the angels, the messengers of God, going up and down on that stairway! (This is a reference to Jacob’s ladder in Genesis 28 if you want to dig a little deeper). They would see it!

What does this mean for us today?

While we are here in this broken and hurting world—a world that desperately cries out for restoration and wholeness—Jesus is our permanent access point to Heaven, to the presence of God (Ephesians 3:12). He made a way. He is the way. (John 14:6) Jesus is the stairway to Heaven. When we keep our gaze on Him, that stairway is illuminated in our lives. We’ll begin to see God moving and working, allowing glimmers of Heaven to shine through—because we are actively focused on Him. 

He is always present. Heaven is always near. God is always moving. And just like how it is up to us to be looking in the right direction to notice the sunset. It is up to us to keep our focus on Him. It is up to us to be consistent in our pursuit of Him. Sometimes we may have to go out of our way to get a good view, but that is where the chase begins.

Now, just to be clear: this chase is rigged. It’s not an endless run with no reward in sight. In fact, it is promised to us that as we begin the chase, as we take the steps to come closer to Him, He will come closer to us (James 4:8). The subject of our chase is meant to be caught, and He tells us exactly how to do that.

“‘If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. I will be found by you,’ says the Lord.”

-Jeremiah 29:13, 14 


And while there is an overwhelming amount of negativity to focus on in our world, I believe our choice to focus on Him—the true, holy, faithful goodness we all need more of—changes everything. As our focus is steady and constant on Him, we’ll realize that just as the warmth and radiance of the setting sun touches everything, Jesus, who is the radiance of God’s glory and the reflection of His nature (Hebrews 1:3), is our ever-present help, our constant source of hope, and our never-ending supply of peace. 

Honestly, I wouldn’t mind being known as a woman who enjoys chasing sunsets. More than that, however, I want to be known as a woman who is completely consumed with chasing Jesus, focusing on Him over everything.

Make this prayer yours:

Father, sometimes I struggle with keeping my focus on the right things. Sometimes I focus more on what is wrong and hard and just plain bad, that I forget I’m the one who determines my focus. I can choose to focus on you, on Jesus, on your goodness, your faithfulness, the hope you supply, and the peace you have already given me. Help me to remember that. Help me change my focus when I need to and even when I don’t want to. Give me the desire to continue to pursue you, knowing you will come close as I do. You are so good, and I am so very grateful. In the name of Jesus, amen.

If this small glimpse into the life of Jesus, who He is and what He said and did while here on earth, was helpful, encouraging, or enlightening to you, I’d like to invite you to join me in studying the book of John. We will be focusing on Jesus as revealed through the words of John, and as we learned today, our focus changes everything. Jesus, when He is the focus, changes everything. You can click below for more information on how to join me!