Why I Quit Reading


I quit reading.

Okay, okay...I haven’t stopped reading as a whole, but I did stop reading fiction. For some, that may not mean much. For me, however, this is a big declaration. You see, in the year 2018, I hit my record amount of books read in a year — over 100 fiction books! 

It wasn’t uncommon for me to start and finish 2 or more books in one week. I would stay up late, reading in bed with my iPad and kindle app (or the scribd app). Whenever I found a spare moment, I would open up a book. Waiting in the car line at school? Yep, I was reading. Waiting for water to boil on the stove? I would grab my book. Cleaning and doing laundry? You better believe I had an audio book playing away in my ear buds!

I loved to read (I still do)! I love stories. That’s not a bad thing — not at all! If this is you, I’m NOT suggesting you stop reading. This is me; this is my conviction.

At some point, and I’m not completely sure when this happened, I had a light bulb moment concerning my bookaholic lifestyle. I was spending more time in the stories of fictional people and places than in the truth of God’s Word. Instead of loving God’s Word by prioritizing it and putting it in a higher place in my life, I had elevated the discipline of escaping into fictional worlds. They are both disciplines, you see — reading and studying God’s Word and reading the next best seller. I saw, with clarity, that I had chosen to elevate my love for fiction over my love for God’s Word.

Reading had become an idol in my life. It had higher priority than, honestly, my relationship with God. That was evidenced by the sheer amount of time I gave it, filling those in-between moments with the lives of one character after another instead of praying, worshiping, or just simply acknowledging God in my daily tasks.

In years past, I would have viewed what I’m saying here as legalistic or “too religious”. There is grace after all, right? We don’t HAVE TO spend every moment talking with God, reading His Word, learning more about Him. Yes, true — we don’t have to, but we can. We have the profound privilege of being able to be with Him always, whenever we want. And, sadly, that’s easy to forget, easy to take for granted.

So, no, I no longer see this as legalistic or too religious. Yes, I have a choice concerning how I spend my time, what I read, what I watch, etc. But the more I choose Him, the more I choose to read His Word, worship Him, pray, the more I want to do just that. The more I choose Him, the more I want Him.

Reading isn’t a sin. It’s not a bad thing. But, for me, it had taken on a bigger presence in my life than God. It was hindering my growth and my desire to know Him more. So, in that sense, reading fiction novels, specifically, was not good for me. For that reason, I quit reading.

It’s been maybe a year and a half since I have picked up a fiction book to read. I knew myself well enough to realize I had to cut all ties with fiction — to not only decrease the amount I was reading but to stop altogether. I do plan to begin reading fiction again someday...maybe soon, but only when I can keep it in the right place in my heart and life. 

All those spare moments I was filling with fictional characters and worlds before? I now fill them with things that cause me to think about Him, learn about Him, draw closer to Him. Reading my Bible for longer periods of time, listening to podcasts, reading (nonfiction) books about Him, worshiping with music, praying and talking to Him, talking with others about Him, and writing about Him. And I’ll confidently say that my life is full of more life and wonder and amazement than it was when I was reading the best, most thrilling books. 

No made up story compares to the wonder, the action, the drama, the mystery, the tragedy, the truth, the love, the joy that is found in the greatest TRUE story of all time. There really is no comparison. 


I have no idea if this resonates with you at all. Maybe all the reading talk is throwing you off. Maybe you’re not a reader. That’s okay! But maybe there is something in your life that has been or even currently is a struggle to keep in the proper place. 

Working out.

Eating healthy.

Being a mom.

Being a wife.

Your job.

That dream you have.

Social media.


Ministry. (Yep, it’s possible!)

The list could go on.

None of these things are wrong or bad or unhealthy when kept in their proper place, but they all have the potential to become idols when allowed to replace our relationship with God. When these things begin to define us, give us more purpose and pleasure, and become the place we turn (first) in times of stress, trouble, and even celebration, that’s a red flag to check our priorities, to check our hearts.

And before you start getting worried that I’m suggesting you replace all the time you spend on other things with reading the Bible and praying, let me reassure you that is NOT what I’m saying! Honestly, it’s not just about quantity; quality matters, too. They both matter. And maybe it doesn’t even mean you have to stop something altogether. Actually, I can’t say what this may look like for you. That’s between you and God. I’m simply attempting to point out that there are normal, everyday things that may, in fact, occupy a higher place in our lives than our relationship with Him.

And, obviously, I hope this goes without saying—we can’t simply quit being a mom or a wife or an employee, etc. We can, however, quit placing that identity or responsibility above our relationship with the One who gave them to us in the first place!

I don’t have any scriptures or Bible passages for you today. I simply wanted to encourage you, me, us. And I’ll leave it with this question:

Is there something you need to quit today? Is there something occupying place in your life that truly belongs to God and Him alone?

Sometimes the best thing we can do for our relationship with God is to quit — to stop turning to other people, other things to fill the space that only He can fill. Maybe today is the day to quit.

Make this prayer yours:

Lord, I choose to make you Lord of my life. Truly. I want you to occupy the HIGHEST PLACE in my heart. Help me to choose you every day, to keep choosing you. Thank you for not leaving me on my own in this. Thank you for the Holy Spirit, who helps, encourages, emboldens, and empowers me to keep choosing you. Show me the things, the people I’ve placed above you. Show me the changes I need to and can make in my life, because I love you. I want you, Lord. Thank you. In the name of Jesus, amen.