Why NOW is the time to use your voice


You have a voice. Now is the time to use it. Yep, now...today...in the middle of this pandemic crisis in which we all find ourselves. I’m sure we all can say we’ve found it easy to use our voice during this time to put words to how upset, afraid, worried, and even annoyed we are. Now, however, is the time to use our voice differently.

First things first — who is our audience?

  • Our family, our kids — the people with whom you are “safe at home”. This is the most obvious, but this may also be the most overlooked audience. They are always there, right? Especially now, it may seem like there is no escaping them. Oh, but what a mission field, what an audience you have! 

  • Our coworkers and neighbors — this audience is most likely now behind a screen and/or at least 6 feet away, but that doesn’t make them any less there. Perhaps they are even more of an open audience now, given the current state of the world.

  • Social media — Mmmhmm. I’m going to go there. The people who follow you, your friends past and present—these people are your audience. Now more than ever, we are looking to social media for some sort of social interaction. (This is not a bad thing! Social media is a beautiful tool with so much potential for good when used appropriately.)

  • Ourselves — Surprise! Yes, we are our own audience. Whose voice do we hear more than anyone else’s? Our own voice! Our own thoughts. We’re constantly speaking to ourselves—hopefully for most of us it is internally. 

So, how can we use our voice?

  • To point to Jesus — our words can point others to Jesus. What we say, how we speak about our lives has the potential to be a testimony of what God has done and is doing in our lives. We can tell others about Jesus—He is real and His sacrifice was real. Now we get to live in real freedom and grace, freely worshiping and giving glory to Him.

We can use our voices to tell others about the hope, joy, and peace we have in Him. Now more than ever, people are open and desperate for peace. We know the true source of all hope and peace—now is the time to share it!

  • To encourage and embolden — what an opportunity we have here! There is NOTHING stopping you from encouraging the people around you. Nothing keeping you from imparting some boldness and courage into the lives of your children, your husband, your coworkers. We are all in new and uncharted territory—many of us doing things we’ve never done before. (Distant learning with our children, anyone?) 

Use your voice to speak hope and faith into the lives of your neighbors, whether it’s in the form of a letter, a gift on a doorstep, or a new favorite—chalk messages on driveways. Encourage your children’s teachers with a kind email. Text friends. Set up some zoom calls. Get creative! People need to hear what you have to say. They need your words of encouragement!

  • To proclaim truth — We all need to be reminded of truth. The truth that comes from the Word of God, the truth of the Gospel. When you hear your husband or friend or child get discouraged, set them straight with some truth. Tell them they CAN do this. Tell them they were made for such a time as this. 

Perhaps this is what you need, too! Use your voice to proclaim truth to yourself! Chances are you will believe it, because you’ll recognize the voice. Get in the Word of God so you know the truth to proclaim to yourself. When you feel tired, incapable, insecure, and anything else that we are all bound to feel at some point, speak up! Use your voice. Proclaim what you know to be true to yourself — that God is with you, that God enables you, that He will never leave you, that He is your comfort in time of trouble, that His love never fails, that He will never give up on you! 

But, why should you use your voice?

Here it is. The question that brought you here. Why should you use your voice now? Wouldn’t it be easier to just sit back, hunker down, and just try to survive this thing? Yes. Yes, it would be easier to do that. But I believe we are being invited to join in what God is doing during this unprecedented time. 

He is doing something new—all of this is new! He’s doing something big. He’s moving in people’s hearts like never before. He is drawing people to Him, and people are responding. The desperation level in the world is at an all time high, and God is here to satisfy like only He can. 

We have the opportunity to be a part of what God is doing! By using your voice, who knows what could happen?! Who knows how many people could find their hope in Him? Who knows how many believers will be encouraged and strengthened in their faith like never before. All throughout the Word of God, God used everyday, ordinary people to do what He planned to do, to follow His will for the world. That could be you. 

When we use our voice, when we speak up and speak out about what we believe and know to be true, some amazing things happen in our own lives. We’ll find ourselves realizing just how much was already “in us”. We’ll realize just how much we already trust Him, how much we love Him. The more you use your voice, the stronger it will get. It’s just like any other muscle. And when we use our voice to speak life and encourage others, it ends up encouraging us just as much!

And if all that isn’t enough, the biggest reason to use your voice is that it glorifies God. It gives Him glory and honor when we use what He has given us, when we boldly and confidently step out in obedience to Him. In the end, it’s really not about us at all. It’s all about Him! It’s all about proclaiming His goodness and His glory and inviting others into His family. 

Today, right now—wherever you are—is the time to use your voice. It’s time to speak up, to boldly and confidently step out in obedience to the God whose love is unfailing and whose faithfulness never gives up. Someone needs what you have to say. Someone needs the Jesus you know, the encouragement you have to give, or the truth you can proclaim. And don’t forget, you need to hear the truth, too! Now is the time!

How can you use your voice today? This week? I would love to hear your ideas. Wouldn’t it be great if we could all encourage each other in this area? Maybe the way you use your voice will inspire someone else to speak up, too. If you are willing, I’d love to hear from you about this. Let’s share and inspire each other. Comment below or check out this post on Instagram and let me know how you plan to use your voice this week.