Making Jesus Famous Using Social Media


A few months ago, I applied for a part-time job for a ministry I have followed since their beginning. The job had to do with managing social media accounts and copy writing. For the application, I had to write a little about myself, and I shared some thoughts specifically concerning social media.

I didn’t get the job, but I did walk away with a little more confidence in myself and what God has given me to use for His glory, which seems contrary to what one would expect in this situation. It was the act of putting myself out there that emboldened me to want to put myself out there more.

It’s okay to fail. Sometimes the purpose is simply in the trying.

Here’s what I wrote about social media:

Can I tell you what has given me so much clarity when it comes to social media? It’s the call to proclaim God’s goodness and wonderful deeds that I see all throughout the Bible, especially the Psalms. 

For example: “Each day proclaim the good news that He saves. Publish His glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things He does.” (Psalm 96:2-3) 

All we have to do to make this happen is pull out our phones, type a few sentences, and push post. And just like that--His glorious deeds are published all over the world.

I feel a responsibility to not take that for granted. If I have a voice, if I have a way, I am going to proclaim the goodness of God for as long as I can in any way I can.

The Call to Proclaim His Goodness

I have a running list of all the times in the book of Psalms we are encouraged, compelled, and even commanded to proclaim God’s goodness, His faithfulness, His love, and all the wonderful things He has done. It’s not short. And every time I read through it, I’m inspired to proclaim Him louder!

In a world that is becoming darker, more self-centered, self-promoting, and self-loving, we, as believers, are called to be light and to promote the only One who is truly worthy of all the fame. We have the opportunity to stand out as people who are completely consumed by making Jesus famous.

This can look differently for every person.

I know what it looks like for me and how it will continue to shape my interaction with social media. I cannot and will not tell you how it should be for you. In the end, we all are responsible to God for how we use what we have while here on earth. He has the final say.

Social media can be weird and all kinds of grey. But with this clear purpose of proclaiming His goodness, I have found clarity and a mission in what I share and how I personally use it.

If you find yourself overwhelmed by the murkiness of Instagram, Facebook, etc., maybe it’s time to figure out how you can use it to proclaim the goodness of God in your life. You have people in your life that may only ever hear about Him in that way through you, your pictures, and your words. 

You get to decide how you want to use your social media accounts, and you CAN use them to tell the world of how good God is. You CAN be a light in the darkness.

Some examples of the call to proclaim His goodness:

Psalm 9:1 -- I will tell of all the marvelous things You have done.

Psalm 34:1-3 -- ...let us tell of the Lord’s greatness…

Psalm 40:9, 10 -- ...I have not kept the good news of your justice hidden in my heart…

Psalm 66:2 -- Tell the world how glorious He is. 

Psalm 66:16 -- ...and I will tell you what He did for me.

Psalm 71 (the whole chapter) -- v. 17 -- ...I constantly tell others about the wonderful things you do. 

Psalm 75:9 -- But as for me, I will always proclaim what God has done. 

I’m choosing to proclaim His goodness no matter what, every chance I get. Will you join me? Social media is a beautiful tool for His wonderful deeds, faithfulness, and unfailing love to be spread throughout all the world. 

Let’s seek to make Jesus famous in a world full of fame-seekers.