When we feel small, insignifcant or unseen

You know that saying about being a little fish in a big pond? If I’m being completely honest, that’s how I’ve felt for most of my life. Feeling like my gifts, my abilities are just one more fish in a big, full pond. Do you ever feel that way? Unseen, insignificant, unworthy?

Here’s the truth I keep declaring over myself and my life:


The world tells us differently, of course. The world tells us we need a large following to make a difference. It tells us we need to have our own unique twist on everything, otherwise we’re just another one of the crowd. It tells us we are not good enough, that we will have to keep striving to keep up. It tells us we have to do more to matter.


But, small doesn’t mean insignificant! Small beginnings, small steps, a small following, a small group of friends, a small church, a small act of obedience—all of these things can and will have a deep and lasting impact if pursued with Jesus as first priority, a sincere heart, and a desire for His glory to outshine it all!

Our part in this life with which God has graciously gifted us is to love Him, yes, but to also trust Him. Trust Him enough to step out in obedience—to do what He asks of us, knowing He is good and He is good at being who He is! Those steps of obedience may be small in the beginning and may feel inconsequential. But if He is asking us to do them, then I have to believe there is an impact and a significance to them that we just may not be able to see or understand yet.

Remember, He sees it all from beginning to end. He knows what small beginnings and small acts of faith are destined to become. It’s His capacity, His ability at work in us and through us when we act out in obedience that brings the results. His desired results.

Bottom line: God determines significance. That’s His job. Our job is to give Him our small—to be obedient and let Him be God.

How does this apply to everyday life?

If you know you need to start picking up your Bible to read more, a small amount of time does not mean it is insignificant. If you feel the need to begin praying more, a small prayer does not mean it is an insignificant one. If you feel compelled to reach out to someone today, a small smile is not insignificant to the receiver of that smile.

A small act of kindness, a small act of obedience, a small act of surrender can have a much larger, much more significant impact than we could ever imagine. God can and will work with whatever we give Him! When we faithfully offer whatever small we have to God, He will do far more, far greater than we could ever imagine possible.

“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” — Ephesians 3:20

I’m fully convinced that it is the small, ordinary actions performed consistently over a long period of time that make the most impact on our lives—whether physically, spiritually, or emotionally. And if that’s truly the case, then small IS significant.

Make this prayer yours:

Lord, You are a big God who consistently reveals Himself as a close God. And because You are so close, I can confidently rest in the fact that I am not too small for you. Your Word says that You are the God who sees, You count every hair on my head, and You bottle all my tears. Lord, help me to not only know that in my head but to know it in my heart. Thank You for seeing me. Thank You for knowing me—all of me. Thank You for loving me in spite of all You know about me. I give to You what I have and who I am, because I know You determine the significance of my life. Help me to be faithful with every small thing I have to offer. And help me to not grow weary as I continue to do what I know You would have me do. In the name of Jesus, amen.

Are you with me today? Are you ready to give Him your small and let Him make it significant—let Him decide the significance of it? I’d love to hear how you plan to faithfully offer Him your small today. Let’s encourage each other!