Everyday Faithfulness Matters

Reading the Bible in the morning

We’re living in a time when big things are constantly happening in the secular world but also in the Church world. For the past few months I have found myself feeling burdened by some specific Church world related things—big hot topics like contested theological debates, church leader controversies, women in ministry, and eschatology (end times events).

There are Christians out there on all sides of these topics, and they are each telling us who is right and who is wrong. They are telling us—sometimes directly and other times indirectly—that if we don’t see it their way, then we are wrong. We don’t know the Bible like they do. We aren’t as spiritually mature. 

But also, thank God, there are Christians out there approaching these topics with grace, seeking unity rather than division. Unfortunately, controversy and division usually speak louder and win most of the attention. But I promise, Biblical truth-tellers and peacemakers are out there!

I am driven by a desire to know what is right, what is true. That’s why I love the Bible, because it tells us! But in all these hot topics, we’ve got Christians using the Bible to support their positions. So it gets a little confusing. This is where the burden I mentioned earlier comes into play. I feel the weight of these things, because I deeply care. I deeply care about people who are influenced and taught by leaders on all sides. I find myself drawn into the controversy, digging deeper and deeper to find answers. 

But I have had to remind myself of this truth: The Holy Spirit lives inside me, teaching me and guiding me. I have the Holy Spirit! I can trust Him. I’m not just living however and doing whatever I want, and then using the Holy Spirit as a scapegoat. No, I’m daily investing in my relationship with God, reading His Word, praying, worshiping, attempting to obey and do what He asks of me. Because of that, I have learned how to hear and know the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

Do you want to know how the Holy Spirit has been leading me? It hasn’t been in the big things. I haven’t sensed Him telling me this big thing is important or that big thing. He’s continually reminding me that the small things are important. When I’m at church talking with a lady whose barn caught on fire over the weekend and she nearly gave into her anxiety that wanted to keep her from coming to church, or when I’m chatting with a single mom who wants to understand the Bible but struggles to show up consistently to it, or when I’m connecting with a new family who hasn’t been to church in years but wants to raise their kids to know God, I realize that these things are the big things. 

When I’m confronted with the realities of everyday life, all those other big church things melt away. They aren’t going to help those who are in desperate need get from point A to point B. They aren’t going to help me become more and more like Christ (which should be every believers’ goal). Everyday faithfulness in everyday life is where it’s at. 

Everyday faithfulness matters.

Keep showing up, friend. Keep loving your people even when it’s hard. Keep digging into God’s Word even if it’s just a little bit everyday. Keep saying yes to the Holy Spirit even if it only seems like a tiny step. Keep moving forward even if it would be easier to not. Keep coming back to God even if you think your mistake was too big. Keep being faithful.

(This was originally written and sent to my Email Friends in February 2022. If you would like weeklyish encouragement like this one sent directly to your inbox, you can join the fun HERE!)

Free Lock Screen everyday faithfulness matters

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